1. Where is the Aqiqah performed?
peacesoft122019-10-23T08:50:25+06:30We are offering Aqiqah in Myanmar. The meat is distributed to the poor and need Muslims and Islamic orphanages in rural parts of the country.
We are offering Aqiqah in Myanmar. The meat is distributed to the poor and need Muslims and Islamic orphanages in rural parts of the country.
Sacrificial meat of Korban/Qurban should be divided into three portions and given to: 1) 1/3 to the poor and needy. 2) 1/3 to family, relatives and friends, even if they do not wish to receive it. 3) 1/3 to oneself, this portion may be eaten and may also be given to non-muslims. However, if the [...]
Qurban can only be performed for Muslims who are still alive. For Muslims who have passed away, one cannot perform any Korban/Qurban for them.
We need to perform Qurban every year as long as we can afford to perform it.
We have to slaughter an animal for the sake of Allah (SWT) on Eid-ul-Adha (10 – Zulhijjah) or on the Tasyrik days ( 11,12 – Zulhijjah).
A person who reach puberty (baleegh) and who can afford for the cost of a sheep/goat should perform Qurban.
One individual should sacrifice a sheep/goat for Qurban. But for an ox or cow, 7 individual/name can be shared together.
Qurban is a Sunnah Muak’ka’dah, strongly encouraged by our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Qurban is the Ibadah (act of worship) of Sunnah which is to be done on Eid-ul-Adha or during the 3 days after it. The main purpose of Qurban is to make oneself closer to Allah by giving the sacrificial meat to the poor and needy as well as to family, relatives and friends. The Prophet [...]
We only need to perform Aqiqah once in a lifetime.
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