For Aqiqah service in Myanmar, we will document the whole process of Aqiqah starting from slaughtering process to final distribution process of the cooked meat. Then, we will issue softcopy (E – cert) with the participant name together with the complete Aqiqah report for documentation proof purpose. The Aqiqah report includes the photos of the animal, the butchering/skinning, the beneficiary and the distribution process photos. The Aqiqah cert and report will be sent to customer’s Mobile No ( PDF format ) by Whatsapp directly within 1-3 days after Aqiqah.
For Korban, we will issue the certificate of Korban with the participant name together for each customer. The cert will be sent to the customers within one week after Korban. Furthermore, we will send the video link of our Korban process in Youtube video format.
For Nazar and Sadeqah, we will issue the certificate and report same as Aqiqah.
Should customer need further information regards certification, please contact us.
Sample Certifications

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